Segen Recruitment

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HR Consulting - Food and Beverage Manufacturer

The Challenge

A privately-owned food manufacturer was experiencing a steady increase in production and needed its personnel and operations to support this growth in a sustainable way. The core challenge it faced was to configure its HR policies and organizational structure so that it could sustain growth for a long period of time.

This involved the need to hire more talent quickly without sacrificing quality and implementing a performance evaluation framework to meet the growing needs of the business. Productivity had not received enough visibility and attention in the past, and the manufacturer wanted to change this to increase the productive output of each employee.

The Solution

Segen started out by meeting key personnel from different levels of the business face-to-face and asking them a set of questions to get a feel of the business and the people. Since the board had already developed a strategic plan, Segen used this as a reference and worked backward to evaluate whether the current structure, people, and policies aligned with the plan.

This quickly revealed a few critical gaps - leaders were not formally recognized, and the organizational structure was not optimized to place the right people in the right positions. To build a tailor-made solution, Segen conducted a full talent and human capital review, along with an HR audit focusing on onboarding and induction policies.

Based on the findings from these reviews, Segen helped the manufacturer create and roll out a stronger organizational structure rapidly that focused on maximizing productivity in each role. Leaders were formally recognized and empowered by assigning job titles and key roles to them, drafting detailed job descriptions, and setting key performance metrics.

The Result

The food manufacturer is now set to take on bigger orders and ramp up its production even more without worrying about failing to sustain the pressure.

Its structure is now optimized for growth with the right people occupying the right positions, and a performance management process in place to boost employee productivity. With leaders duly recognized and their key roles specified, the management team is better equipped to effectively manage a large team.